Early LIteracy
Why read aloud?
Brain Development
From birth to 3 years of age the development of language skills are foundational for further learning success. Parents are the child’s first and most important teacher.
The number of words that a child knows when he or she enters Kindergarten is the most important predictor of a child’s success. Reading aloud grows your child’s vocabulary and introduces many words and concepts that you might not use in everyday conversations.
literacy Skills
Vocabulary development, familiarity with printed word, storytelling and comprehension are the building blocks for developing literacy skills.
Your child sitting in your lap or cuddled beside you for a story will be the most invaluable moments for a child. It strengthens connections and draws people together.
Love of reading
When your child sees you reading aloud and reading your own books, this models to your child that reading is important, pleasurable and valued.
Knowledge & Imagination
Books are so rich in information and opens doors to so many possibilities for new things to be learned and allows the mind to soar in imagination. While you read a loud children are making meaning and learning just by looking at the pictures.