Toddler program
19 months- 3 years old
At a young age, children begin demonstrating a variety of ways they organize and interpret information of the world around us. They do this by displaying certain urges and tendencies which is called “schemas”. A schema is something a child goes through naturally and are repeated patterns of behaviour and urges that children go through to learn and explore their environment. (To learn more about schemas click here!)
Teachers will observe your child to determine which schema they are in (orientation, positioning, connection, trajectory, enclosure/containment, transporting, enveloping, rotation, transformation) and what interests them, then we will provide the appropriate activities that help your child develop particular skills to aid in their brain development. Through these repeated behaviours your child will forge connections in the brain, patterns of unfolding, learning and growth.
At this age, children love to be helpers and in our program we will involve the children in practical life activities. (Click for more info)
Naps will take place after lunch around 12-3.